释义 |
变色龙biànsèlóng 1.脊椎动物,躯干稍扁,皮粗糙,四肢稍长,运动极慢。舌长,可舔食虫类。表皮下有多种色素块,能随时变成不同的保护色。{chameleon (Chamaeleo chamaeleon); vertebrate with a slightly flat body, rough skin and short limbs, characterized by very slow locomotion, and a long projectile tongue with which it feeds on insects. The many chromatophores under its epidermis enable it to change its skin to different protective colours according to circumstances.} 2.〈比喻fig.〉在政治上善于变化和伪装的人。{changeable or fickle person (esp. in politics)} |