

释义 (關、**関)ɡuān
1.闭,合拢 close; shut:~门 guānmén shut the door/ ~上箱子 guānshɑng xiāngzi close the case ext. 拘禁 lock up; shut in
2.古代在险要地方或国界设立的守卫处所 (in ancient times) mountain pass or guarded passage at strategic points or the border:~口 guānkǒu strategic pass/ 山海~ Shānhǎi Guān the Shanhai Pass ext. 征收出口、入口货税的机构 customs house:海~ hǎiguān customs house
3.重要的转折点,不易度过的一段时间 a critical juncture; a difficult period of time:渡过难~ dùguo nánguān get over the difficulty/ 紧要~头 jǐnyào guāntóu a key moment
4.起转折关联作用的部分 a part that has a transitional or connective function;joint; a key link:~节(两骨连结的地方) guānjié joint/ ~键 guānjiàn crux (or heart) of the matter
5.牵连,联属 be related; be connected ( comb. -连 -lián interrelated):毫不相~ háobù xiāngguān have nothing to do with; be totally irrelevant/ 无~紧要 wúguān jǐnyào of no importance [关系 -xi]1.事物之间的关涉牵连 connections between things:这个电门和那盏灯没有~~ Zhège diànmén hé nà zhǎn dēng méiyǒu guānxi. This electric switch has nothing to do with that lamp. 2.人事的联系 relations; relationship:同志~~ tóngzhì guānxi the relationships between comrades/ 亲戚~~ qīnqi guānxi the relationships between relatives 3.影响 influence; significance:这件事~~太大 Zhè jiàn shì guānxi tài dà. This matter is of great significance. [关于 -yú]介词,表示事物之间的关联 prep. with regard to; concerning:~~这个问题 guānyú zhège wèntí with regard to this problem/ ~~养蜂的书 guānyú yǎngfēng de shū a book on beekeeping
6.旧指发给或支领(薪饷) (in former times) give out or draw (pay) salary




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