

释义 (來)lái
1.由另一方面到这一方面,跟“去”、“往”相反 come; move toward the speaker or a particular place, antonymof "qù", "wǎng":我~北京三年了 Wǒ lái Běijīng sān nián le. I have been in Beijing for three years./ ~信 láixìn letter received; incoming letter/ ~源 láiyuán source; origin [来往 -wǎng]交际 dealings; intercourse
2.表示时间的经过 indicating a period of time 1.某一个时间以后 ever since:自古以~ zìgǔ yǐlái ever since the ancient times/ 从~ cónglái from the past to the present; always/ 向~ xiànglái always; all along/ 这一年~他的进步很大 Zhè yī nián lái tā de jìnbù hěn dà. He has made great progress in the past year. 2.现在以后 future; from now on:未~ wèilái future; coming/ ~年(明年) láinián the coming year; next year
3.表示约略估计的数目,将近或略超过某一数目 (used to indicate an estimated number) approximately; about:十~个 shí lái gè about ten/ 三米~长 sān mǐ lái cháng about 3 metres long/ 五十~岁 wǔshí lái suì in his fifties
4.做某一动作(代替前面的动词) (used as a substitute for a preceeding verb):再~一个! Zài lái yī ge! Encore!/ 这样可~不得! Zhè yàng kě láibude! It won't do this way./ 我办不了,你~吧 Wǒ bànbuliǎo, nǐ lái bɑ! I cannot make it. You do it./ 我们打球,你~不~? Wǒmen dǎqiú, nǐ lái bù lái? We're playing basketball (or volleyball, etc.). Will you join us?
5.在动词前,表示要做某事 (used in front of a verb, indicating an intended action):我~问你 Wǒ lái wèn nǐ. Let me ask you (a question)./ 大家~想想办法 Dàjiā lái xiǎngxiɑng bànfǎ. Let's think of a way (to solve a problem)./ 我~念一遍吧 Wǒ lái niàn yī biàn bɑ! Let me read it over.
6.在动词后,表示曾经做过 (used after a verb, indicating a past action):昨天开会你跟谁辩论~? Zuótiān kāihuì nǐ gēn shéi biànlùn lái? Whom did you argue with at yesterday's meeting?/ 这话我哪儿说~? Zhè huà wǒ nǎr shuō lái? Where did I say this? [来着 -zhe]助词,用于句尾,表示曾经发生过什么事情 aux. (used at the end of a sentence, indicating a past action or state):刚才我们在这儿开会~~ Gāngcái wǒmen zài zhèr kāihuì láizhe. We were holding a meeting here just now./ 我昨天上天津去~~ Wǒ zuótiān shàng Tiānjīn qù láizhe. I went to Tianjin yesterday.
7.在动词后,表示动作的趋向 (used after a verb,indicating motion towards the speaker) hither; here:一只燕子飞过~ Yī zhī yànzi fēi guolɑi. A swallow is flying hither./ 大哥托人捎~了一封信 Dàgē tuōrén shāolɑi le yī fēng xìn. My eldest brother has asked someone to bring a letter here./ 拿~ nálɑi bring it here/ 进~ jìnlɑi come in/ 上~ shànglɑi come up
8.表示发生,来到 happen; appear:房屋失修,夏天一下暴雨,麻烦就~了 Fángwū shīxiū, xiàtiān yī xià bàoyǔ, máfan jiù lái le. The house is in bad repair. It will be troublesome when torrential rain comes in summer./ 问题~了 wèntí lái le Problems have arisen./ 困难~了 kùnnɑn lái le Difficulty has appeared.
9.助词,在数词“一”、“二”、“三”后,表示列举 aux. (used after the numerals "yī", "èr", "sān", to indicate enumeration):一~领导正确,二~自己努力,所以能胜利地完成任务 Yī lái lǐngdǎo zhèngquè, èr lái zìjǐ nǔlì, suǒyǐ néng shènglì de wánchéng rènwu. In the first place, we had a correct leadership. In the second place, we worked hard ourselves. So we could fulfill the task successfully.
10.助词,诗歌中间用做衬字,或为了声音规律配合的音节 aux. (usedas a syllable filler in folk ballads):正月里~是新春 Zhēngyuè lǐ lái shì xīnchūn. The first (lunar) month is the beginning of spring.




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