释义 |
涨(漲) zhànɡ ㄓㄤヽ 1.体积增大 swell after absorbingwater:豆子泡~了 Dòuzi pàozhàng le. The beans swelled up after being soaked. 2.弥漫 fill the air:烟尘~天 yānchén zhàng tiān Smoke and dust filled the air. 3.多出来 be more, larger, etc. than expected:~出十块钱 zhàngchu shí kuài qián have ten yuan more than expected 4.头部充血 (of head) be swelled by a rush of blood:头昏脑~ tóuhūn-nǎozhàng have a swell head/ 他气得~红了脸 Tā qì de zhànghóng le liǎn. He flushed with anger. zhǎnɡ |