释义 |
束shù ㄕㄨヽ 1.捆住 bind; tie:~发 shùfà tie the hair/ ~手~脚 shùshǒu-shùjiǎo bind sb. hand and foot; hamper the initiative of [束缚 -fù]捆绑 tie; bind up fig. 使受到限制 hamper the initiative of; restricted:不要~~群众的创造性 Bùyào shùfù qúnzhòng de chuàngzàoxìng. Don't hamper the initiative of creation of the masses. 2.捆儿 bundle; bunch:一~鲜花 yī shù xiānhuā a bunch of flowers 3.控制 control ( comb. 约- yuē- restrain):拘~ jūshù restrain/ ~身自爱 shùshēn-zì'ài sb. be strict with himself for regarding himself |