

释义 (機)
1.事物发生、变化的枢纽 (of the beginning or changing of things) crucial point:生~ shēngjī lease of life/ 危~ wēijī crisis/ 转~ zhuǎnjī a favorable turn; a turn for the better ext. 1.对事情成败有重要关系的中心环节,有保密性质的事件 key link or central link for a success or failure; sth. secret:军~ jūnjī military plan; military secret/ ~密 jīmì sth. secret; secret/ ~要 jīyào confidential 2.机会,合宜的时候 chance; occasion:随~应变 suíjī-yìngbiàn doing as the changing circumstances demand/ 勿失良~ wù shī liángjī do not miss the opportunity/ 好时~ hǎo shíjī a favourable opportunity [机体 -tǐ][有机体 yǒu-tǐ]具有生活机能的物体,如动物和植物 organism, living being with parts which work together, as the animal and the plant [机能 -néng]生物体器官的作用 (of organs) function:~~障碍 jīnéng zhàng'ài a functional obstruction [动机 dòng-]引起行动的意识,行动前定下的愿望 motive, intention that causes sb. to act:~~好,方法也对头,才会有好效果 Dòngjī hǎo, fāngfǎ yě duìtóu, cái huì yǒu hǎo xiàoguǒ. One has to combine a good motive and the right method to achieve good results.
2.灵巧,能迅速适应事物的变化的 flexible; quick-witted:~巧 jīqiǎo adroit; ingenious/ ~智 jīzhì quick witted; resourceful/ ~警 jījǐng alert; sharp-witted [机动 -dòng]1.依照客观情况随时灵活行动 flexible according to the actual condition:~~处理 jīdòng chǔlǐ deal with sth. flexibly/ ~~作战 jīdòng zuòzhàn fight with some flexibility 2.利用机器开动的 power-driven; motorized:~~车 jīdòngchēmotor (driven) vehicle [机灵 -ling]聪明,头脑灵活 clever; smart
3.机器,由许多零件组成可以做功或有特殊作用的装置或设备 machine, or engine, appliance or mechanical device with parts working together to apply power or perform some special function:织布~ zhībùjī loom/ 发电~ fādiànjī generator/ 收音~ shōuyīnjī radio/ 拖拉~ tuōlājī tractor [机关 -guān]1.控制整个机器的关键部分 gear that serve as the essential part in a machine ext. 办理事务的组织 office or organ, means of getting things done:行政~~ xíngzhèng jīguān administrative organization/ 军事~~ jūnshì jīguān military organization/ ~~工作 jīguān gōngzuò office work 2.计谋 stratagem; intrigue:~~算尽 jīguān-suànjìn used up all one's tricks; for all one's calculations and scheming/ 识破~~ shípò jīguān see through a trick [机械 -xiè]1.利用力学原理组成的各种装置。各种机器、杠杆、滑轮以及枪炮等都是机械 machinery; devices (machines, lever, pulley, guns, etc, collectively, that are designed according to mechanics principle):~~化 jīxièhuà mechanize/ ~~工业 jīxiè gōngyè machine building industry 2.呆板,不灵活,按照一定的方式工作而没变化,不是辩证的 mechanical, or rigid, following a set pattern without change:~~地工作 jīxiè de gōngzuò work rigidly/ ~~唯物论 jīxiè wéiwùlùn mechanical materialism [飞机 fēi-]利用机器发动能在空中飞行的工具 aeroplane, aircraft driven by a propeller and supported by the dynamic reaction of the air against its wings




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