释义 |
更 ɡēnɡ ㄍㄥ 1.改变,改换 change; transform ( comb. -改 -gǎi alter, -换 -huàn replace, 变- biàn- change):~动 gēngdòng change; alter/ 万象~新 wànxiàng-gēngxīn All things take on a new aspect. or Everything looks new and fresh./ ~番(轮流调换) gēngfān by turns; alternately/ ~正错误 gēngzhèng cuòwù make corrections of (errors) 2.经历 experience:少(shào)不~事 shàobùgēngshì young and inexperienced 3.旧时一夜分五更 one of the five two-hour periods into which the night was formerly divided; watch:三~半夜 sāngēng-bànyè in the dead of night/ 打~(打梆敲锣报时巡夜) dǎgēng sound the night watches ɡèng |