释义 |
乡(鄉)xiānɡ ㄒㄧㄤ 1.城市外的区域 countryside, rural area, land outside a city or town:他下~了 Tā xiàxiāng le. He has gone to the countryside./ 城~交流 chéng-xiāng jiāoliú exchange (of goods) between the city and the countryside 2.自己生长的地方或祖籍 native place; home village or town:故~ gùxiāng home town/ 还~ huánxiāng return to one's home town/ 同~ tóngxiāng a fellow villager; a townsman/ 背井离~ bèijǐng-líxiāng be away from home[老乡 lǎo-]生长在同一地方的人 (fellow-towns-man or villager) persons from the same village, town or province 3.行政区划的基层单位,属县或区领导 a basic-level rural administrative unit under the county or district |