

释义 (據)
1.凭依,倚仗 rely on; depend on:~理力争 jùlǐ-lìzhēng argue strongly on just ground/ ~说是这样 jùshuō shì zhèyàng It is allegedly to be like this.
2.占 occupy; seize ( comb. 占- zhàn- occupy):盘~ pánjù illegally or forcibly occupy; be entrenched/ ~为己有 jùwéi-jǐyǒu take forcible possession of; appropriate [据点 -diǎn]军队据以作战的地点 strong point; stronghold, a place where a unit of army at war is based
3.可以用做证明的事物,凭证 evidence; certificate ( comb. 凭- píng- evidence, 证- zhèng- evidence; proof):收~ shōujù receipt/ 字~ zìjù written pledge/ 票~ piàojù bill; note/ 真凭实~ zhēnpíng-shíjù genuine evidence; hard evidence/ 无凭无~ wúpíng-wújù having no evidence; without any proof jū




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