释义 |
撑(*撐)chēnɡ ㄔㄥ 1.抵住,支持 prop up, support:~竿跳高(田径运动项目之一) chēnggān tiàogāo pole vault (one kind of track and field sports; pole jump)/ ~腰 chēngyāo stand behind; support 2.用篙使船前进 punt, advance by pushing or moving a ship with a pole:~船 chēngchuán push or move a boat with a pole 3.充满到容不下的程度 fill to the point of bursting:少吃些,别~着 Shǎo chī xiē, bié chēngzhe. Don't eat too much, otherwise you will be too full./ 麻袋装得太满,都~圆了 Mádài zhuāng de tài mǎn, dōu chēngyuán le. The sack is so full that it is on the point of bursting. 4.使张开 open; unfurl:~伞 chēngsǎn open an umbrella/ 把口袋~开 bǎ kǒudɑi chēngkɑi hold open the sack |