释义 |
骨 ɡǔ ㄍㄨˇ 1.骨头,脊椎动物身体里面支持身体的坚硬组织 bone, hard tissue forming the skeleton of a vertebrate:脊椎~ jǐzhuīgǔ spine [骨骼 -gé]全身骨头的总称 skeleton, a general term for the bones of the whole body [骨节 -jié]两骨(或更多)相连结的关节 joint [骨干 -gàn] fig. 中坚有力的 mainstay:~~分子 gǔgàn fènzǐ key member/ ~~作用 gǔgàn zuòyòng be a mainstay [骨肉 -ròu] fig. 最亲近的有血统关系的人,指父母、子女、兄弟、姊妹 flesh and blood; kindred, people related by birth or descent, such as one's parents, children, brothers and sisters 2.像骨的东西 sth. like a bone:钢~水泥 gānggǔ shuǐní reinforced concrete 3.品格,气概 character; spirit:~气 gǔqì backbone; moral integrity/ 媚~ mèigǔ obsequiousness ɡū |