

释义 (**、*齩)yǎo
1.上下牙对住,压碎或夹住东西 bite, crush or seize sth. with one's upper and lower teeth:~了一口馒头 yǎole yī kǒu mántou take a bite of the steamed bread
2.钳子等夹住或螺丝齿轮等卡住 grip or seize sth. with pliers or nut:螺丝勚(yì)了,~不住扣 Luósīyìle, yǎobuzhùkòu. The screw is worn out so it won't bite (or grip).
3.受责问或审讯时拉扯上不相关的人 incriminate another person when one is blamed or questioned:不许乱~好人 Bùxǔ luànyǎo hǎorén. Don't implicate the innocent.
4.狗叫 (of dog) bark:鸡叫狗~ Jī jiào gǒu yǎo. Cocks crow and dogs bark.
5.读字音 pronounce; articulate:这个字我~不准 Zhège zì wǒ yǎo bu zhǔn. I can't pronounce this word correctly.




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