

1.牵,扯,拽 pull; drag:~车 lā chē pull a cart/ 把鱼网~上来 bǎ yúwǎng lā shɑnglɑi drag up a fishnet ext. 1.使延长 drag out; draw out:~长声儿 lācháng shēngr drawl 2.拉拢,联络 draw in; win over:~关系 lā guānxi try to establish a relationship with each other; cotton up to [拉倒 -dǎo]算了,作罢 forget about it; leave it at that;let all be ended:他不来~~Tā bù lái lādǎo. Let's forget about it if he doesn't come. [拉杂 -zá]杂乱,没条理 rambling; jumbled
2.排泄粪便 empty the bowels:~屎 lāshǐ have a bowel movement; shit; go to restroom
3.用车运 haul; transport by vehicle:~货 lāhuò transport goods by vehicle/ ~肥料 lā féiliào haul back the fertilizer
4.帮助 help; give (or lend) a helping hand:他有困难,应该~他一把 Tā yǒu kùnnɑn, yīnggāi lā tā yī bǎ. We should help him when he is in difficulty.
5.牵累,牵扯 drag in; implicate:一人做事一人当,不要~上别人 Yī rén zuòshì yī rén dāng, bùyào lāshɑng biéren. A man must take the consequences of his own conducts and not drag in others.
6.使某些乐器发出声音 play (certain musical instruments):~小提琴 lā xiǎotíqín play the violin/ ~二胡 lā èrhú play the erhu
7.闲谈 chat:~话 lāhuà make conversation; chat/ ~家常 lā jiācháng talk about everyday matters; chitchat
8.(lɑ)放在某些动词后,构成复合词 suffix placed after some verbs to form compounds 如 e.g.:扒拉 bālɑ push lightly, 趿拉 tālɑ wear cloth shoes with the backs turned in, 拨拉,等 bōlɑ move or adjust with the hand, the foot, a stick, etc.[拉祜族 -hùzú]我国少数民族 the Lahu nationality, or the Lahus, a national minority in China.[拉美 -měi]指拉丁美洲,美国以南所有美洲地区 short for Lādīng-měizhōu, Latin America, districts of South and Central America (south of the USA)




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