释义 |
抓zhuā ㄓㄨㄚ 1.用指或爪挠(náo) scratch (with fingers or claw):~耳挠腮 zhuā'ěr-náosāi scratch one's ears and cheeks 2.用手或爪拿取 grab; seize; clutch:老鹰~小鸡 lǎoyīng zhuā xiǎo jī The hawk seized a chicken./ ~一把米 zhuā yī bǎ mǐ take a handful of rice ext. 1.捉捕 catch; arrest:~贼 zhuāzéi stop (catch) a thief 2.把握住,不放过 take hold of; seize:~工夫 zhuā gōngfu make good use of one's time; find time (to do sth.)/ ~紧时间 zhuājǐn shíjiān make the best use of one's time 3.加强领导,特别重视 stress; pay special attention to:~农业 zhuā nóngyè pay great attention to agriculture/ ~工作 zhuā gōngzuò give special attention to work/ ~重点 zhuā zhòngdiǎn stress the essentials 4.惹人或引人注意 draw one's attention; attract:这个演员一出场就~住了观众 Zhège yǎnyuán yī chūchǎng jiù zhuāzhùle guānzhòng. The actress immediately caught the audience's attention as soon as she went on the stage. |