释义 |
露 lù ㄌㄨヽ 1.露水,靠近地面的水蒸气因夜间遇冷凝结成的小水珠 dew, the small drops of water which form on cold surfaces during the night ext. 露天,没有遮蔽,在屋外的 in the open; outdoors:风餐~宿 fēngcān-lùsù eat in the wind and sleep in the dew (fig. rough it on traveling by feet for a long way)/ ~营 lùyíng camp (out); encamp 2.用药料、果汁等制成的饮料 beverage distilled from medicine, fruit, etc.; syrup:枇杷~ pípɑlù loquat syrup/ 果子~ guǒzilù fruit syrup/ 玫瑰~ méiguilù rose syrup 3.显出来,现出来 show; reveal ( comb. 显- xiǎn- become visible; appear):~骨 lùgǔ barefaced; undisguised/ 暴~思想 bàolù sīxiǎng lay bare one's thoughts/ 揭~敌人丑恶的面貌 jiēlù dírén chǒu'è de miànmào expose the ugly features of the enemy/ 不~面 bù lùmiàn do not show oneself lòu |