释义 |
蓝(藍)lán ㄌㄢ 1.蓼(liǎo)蓝,一年生草本植物,秋季开花,花落后结三棱形小果。从叶子提制的靛青可做染料,叶可入药 indigo plant, an annual herb that comes into bloom in autumn and yields small triangular fruit. The indigo blue extracts from its leaves can be used as dye, and its leaves can be used in medicine 2.用靛青染成的颜色,像晴天天空那样的颜色 colour produced by indigo, or the colour like that of the sky on clear days [蓝本 -běn]著作所根据的原本 writing upon which later work is based; original version (of a literary work) |