释义 |
简jiǎn ㄐㄧㄢˇ 1.古时用来写字的竹板 bamboo slips used for writing on in ancient times trans. 书信 letter 2.简单,简化,跟“繁”相反 simple; simplified (antonym of fán):~写 jiǎnxiě (write) a Chinese character in its simplified form; simplify a book for beginners/ 删繁就~ shānfán-jiùjiǎn simplify sth. by cutting out the superfluous/ 精兵~政 jīngbīng-jiǎnzhèng better troops and simplify administration; reduce the staff and streemline the administrative structure [简直 -zhí]副词,实在是,完全是 adv. simply; at all:你若不提这件事,我~~想不起来了 Nǐ ruò bù tí zhè jiàn shì, wǒ jiǎnzhí xiǎng bu qǐlái le. If you didn't mention this, I could hardly recall it at all. 3.简选,选择人材 select; choose (qualified personnel):~拔 jiǎnbá select and promote |