

释义 kōnɡ
1.里面没有东西或没有内容,不合实际的 empty; hollow (not practical):~房子 kōng fángzi an empty house/ ~碗 kōngwǎn an empty bowl/ ~话 kōnghuà empty talk; hollow words/ ~想 kōngxiǎng unrealistic thought; fantasy/ ~谈 kōngtán empty talk [空洞 -dòng]没有内容的 hollow; devoid of content:他说的话很~~ Tā shuō de huà hěn kōngdòng. His words are devoid of content. [空头 -tóu]不发生作用的,有名无实的 nominal; phony:~~支票 kōngtóu zhīpiào dud cheque; bad cheque [凭空 píng-]无根据 out of the void; without foundation:~~捏造 píngkōng-niēzào make sth. out of nothing; fabricate [真空 zhēn-]没有空气的空间 vacuum, a space that is devoid of all gas:~~管 zhēnkōngguǎn electron tube; valve/ ~~地带(战争时双方没有军队的地带) zhēnkōng dìdài no-man's-land
2.白白地,没有结果地 for nothing; in vain:~跑了一趟 kōngpǎole yī tàng have made a journey for nothing; have come in vain/ ~忙一阵 kōng máng yīzhèn make fruitless efforts
3.天空 sky; air:~军 kōngjūn the air force/ 航~ hángkōng aviation [空间 -jiān]一切物质存在和运动所占的地方 space, that which surrounds all objects and continues outward in all directions [空气 -qì]包围在地球表面,充满空间的气体。是氮、氧和一些惰性气体的混合物 air, the mixture of gases such as nitrogen, oxygen and some inert gases, which surround the earth and which we breathe fig. 情势 atmosphere:~~紧张 kōngqì jǐnzhāng The atmosphere was tense.
4.无着落,无成效 fail:落~ luòkōng come to nothing; fail through/ 扑了个~ pū le ge kōng fail to get what one wants; come away empty-handed kònɡ




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