释义 |
玉yù ㄩヽ 1.矿物的一种,质细而坚硬,有光泽,略透明,可雕琢成簪环等装饰品 jade, a semitransparent hard stone with fine grains and lustre, from which ornaments and jewellery are made 2.喻洁白或美丽 fig. pure; fair; beautiful:~颜 yùyán fair complexion/ 亭亭~立 tíngtíng-yùlì (of a woman) fair, slim and graceful (or stand gracefully) 3.敬辞 (a respectful expression) your:~言 yùyán your words/ ~体 yùtǐ your person; your health/ 敬候~音 jìnghòu yùyīn We are waiting to hear from you. |