

释义 (開)kāi
1.把关闭的东西打开 open:~门 kāi mén open the door/ ~抽屉 kāi chōuti open a drawer/ ~口说话 kāikǒu shuōhuà open one's mouth; start to talk ext. 1.收拢的东西放散 open out; come loose:~花 kāihuā (of flowers) be open; come into bloom/ ~颜 kāiyán smile; beam 2.把整体的东西划分成部分的 (of standard size of printing paper) division of a whole:三十二~本 sānshí'èr kāi běn 32 mo. 3.凝合的东西融化 (of sth. frozen) thaw out:~冻 kāidòng thaw; unfreeze/ ~河(河水化冻) kāihé (of a frozen river) thaw out [开刀 -dāo]用刀割治 perform or have an operation; operate or be operated on:这病得~~ zhè bìng děi kāidāo This kind of disease needs an operation. [开关 -guān]有控制作用的机关。通常指电门、电键 switch, an apparatus for stopping an electric current from flowing, esp. one which is moved up or down with the hand [开交 -jiāo]分解,脱离 quit; be released:忙得不可~~ máng de bùkě kāijiāo be up to one's eyes in work; be awfully busy/ 闹得不可~~ nào de bùkě-kāijiāo be engaged in a heated quarrel [开口呼 -kǒuhū]不用 i、u、ü 开头的韵母 a class of syllables with sounds other than i,u, and ü as the final yùnmǔ (vowel), or as the beginning of the final
2.通,使通 open; liberate:想不~ xiǎngbukāi cannot straighten out one's thought; cannot come round/ ~路先锋 kāilù xiānfēng path-breaker; pioneer [开通 -tong]思想不守旧,容易接受新事物 open-minded; liberal
3.使显露出来 exploit; open up:~矿 kāikuàng open up a mine; exploit a mine/ ~采石油 kāicǎi shíyóu recover petroleum [开发 -fā]使显露出来 open up; exploit (sth. covered or hidden)
4.扩大,发展 expand; develop:~拓 kāituò developing; opening/ ~源节流 kāiyuán-jiéliú increase income and reduce expenditure; tap new sources of supply and reduce consumption/ ~展工作 kāizhǎn gōngzuò develop one's work
5.发动,操纵 start; operate:~车 kāi chē drive a car, etc./ ~炮 kāi pào open fire with artillery; fire/ ~船 kāi chuán set sail; sail/ ~动脑筋 kāidòng nǎojīn use one's brains;begging to think out seriously [开火 -huǒ]指发生军事冲突 (of military conflicts) open fire fig. 两方面冲突 (between two parties) clash; conflict
6.起始 start; begin:~端 kāiduān beginning; start/ ~春 kāichūn beginning of spring/ ~学 kāixué School opens or Term begins/ ~工 kāigōng (of a factory, etc.) go into operation; (of work) start/ 戏~演了 Xì kāiyǎn le. The performance (or play) has begun.
7.设置,建立 start or run (a factory, school, etc.); set up:~医院 kāi yīyuàn set up a hospital [开国 -guó]建立新的国家 found a new state
8.支付 pay (wages, fares, etc.):~支 kāizhī pay expenses; pay wages or salaries/ ~销 kāixiāo pay expenses
9.沸,滚 boil:~水 kāishuǐ boiled water/ 水~了 Shuǐ kāi le. The water is boiling.
10.举行 hold (a meeting, etc.):~会 kāihuì hold a meeting
11.写 write out:~发票 kāi fāpiào make an invoice/ ~药方 kāi yàofāng write out a prescription
12.放在动词后面,表示效果 (used after a verb, indicating the effect) open; widely:这话传~了 Zhè huà chuán kɑi le. The word has got about./ 屋子小,坐不~ Wūzi xiǎo, zuòbukāi. The room is too small for everybody to be seated./ 睁~眼 zhēngkɑi yǎn open one's eyes/ 打~窗子 dǎkɑi chuāngzi open the window/ 张~嘴 zhāngkɑi zuǐ open one's mouth
13.(外 foreign)黄金的纯度单位(以二十四开为纯金) carat, a division on the scale of measurement for expressing the amount of gold in golden objects:十四~金 shísìkāi jīn 14 carat gold
14.热力学温度单位名开尔文的简称,符号 K an abbreviation for 开尔文, Kelvin, a degree on a modern international scale of temperature; symbol: K




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