释义 |
银yín ㄧㄣ 1.一种金属元素,符号 Ag,白色有光泽。质柔软,富延展性,是热和电的良导体,在空气中不易氧化。可以制货币、器皿、电器设备、感光材料等 silver, a soft, whitish glittering metal that is ductile and difficult to be oxidized in the air, carries heat and electricity very well, and can be used in coins, utensils, electrical appliances, light sensitive materials, etc.; symbol: Ag 2.(-子 -zi)旧时用银铸成块的一种货币 silver, silver ingot used as money in former times [银行 -háng]办理存款、放款、汇兑等业务的机构 bank, a place where money is kept and paid out, lent or borrowed, issued or exchanged 3.像银的颜色 silver-coloured:~白色 yínbáisè silvery white/ ~燕(喻白色的飞机) yínyàn silver swallow (fig. white-painted aeroplane)/ ~河(天河) Yínhé the Milky Way |