字词 | 铁 |
释义 | ㄊㄧㄝˇ一种金属元素,符号 Fe,纯铁灰白色,质坚硬,有光泽,富延展性,在潮湿空气中易生锈。工业上的用途极大,可以炼钢,可以制造各种器械、用具 iron, a hard, glittering and ductile metallic element, easily rusted in air; widely used in industry, esp. in making steel, also used to make various equipment and utensils; symbol Fe fig. 1.坚硬 hard:~蚕豆 tiěcándòu hard broad bean/ ~拳 tiěquán iron fist; powerful striking force 2.意志坚定 be determined; strong-willed:~人 tiěrén iron man (a person of exceptional physical and moral strength)/ ~姑娘队 tiěgūniangduì iron-girl team (a team of girls who can do heavy physical labour) 3.确定不移 indisputable; unalterable:~的纪律 tiě de jìlǜ iron discipline/ ~案如山 tiě'àn-rúshān a case borne out by ironclad evidence; ironclad evidence 4.残暴或精锐 cruel; crack:~蹄 tiětí iron heel (meaning cruel oppression of the people)/ ~骑 tiěqí armoured horses (meaning strong cavalry) 5.借指兵器 arms or weapon:手无寸~ shǒuwúcùntiě bare-handed; unarmed |
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