

释义 jiā
1.家庭,人家 family; household:勤俭持~ qínjiǎn-chíjiā be industrious and thrifty in running a household/ 张~有五口人 Zhāng jiā yǒu wǔ kǒu rén. The Zhangs are five. 谦辞,用于对别人称自己亲属中比自己年纪大或辈分高的 (a humble term used in speaking of relatives older than oneself when talking with others) my:~兄 jiāxiōng my elder brother/ ~父 jiāfù my father [家常 -cháng]家庭日常生活 the daily life of a family; domestic trivial:~~便饭 jiācháng-biànfàn homely food; simple meal/ 叙~~ xù jiācháng chitchat [家畜 -chù]由人喂养的禽兽,如马、牛、羊、鸡、猪等 domestic animal; livestock (such as horse, ox, sheep, chicken, hog, etc.) [家伙 -huo]1.一般的用具、工具 tool; utensil 2.指武器 weapon 3.指牲畜或人(轻视或玩笑) guy; fellow (as a term of contempt or joke, to refer to domestic animals or men) [家具 -jù]家庭用具,主要指床、柜、桌、椅等 furniture, chiefly referring to beds, cabinets, tables, chairs, etc. [家什 -shi]用具,器物 utensils, furniture, etc:厨房里的~~擦洗得干干净净 chúfáng li de jiāshi cāxǐ de gāngān-jìngjìng The kitchen furnishings have been washed and wiped clean.
2.家庭的住所 home:回~ huíjiā go home/ 这儿就是我的~ Zhèr jiùshì wǒ de jiā. This is my home.
3.指经营某种行业或有某种身份的人家 a person or family engaged in a certain trade or having a certain status:农~ nóngjiā peasant family/ 酒~ jiǔjiā wineshop; tavern
4.掌握某种专门学识或有丰富实践经验以及从事某种专门活动的人 a specialist in a certain field:科学~ kēxuéjiā scientist/ 水稻专~ shuǐdào zhuānjiā rice expert/ 政治~ zhèngzhì-jiā politician
5.学术流派 schools of thought:儒~ Rújiā Confucian school/ 道~ Dàojiā Taoist school/ 百~争鸣 bǎijiā-zhēngmíng (Let) a hundred schools of thought contend.
6.指相对各方中的一方 (in card games, etc.) player or contestant:上~ shàngjiā the player whose turn comes just before/ 下~ xiàjiā the player whose turn comes next
7.(jiɑ)词尾,指一类的人(多按年龄或性别分) used as a suffix to indicate a specified kind of people (usu. according to age group or sex):姑娘~ gūniɑngjiɑ the girls/ 孩子~ háizijiɑ the kids
8.量词 meas.:一~人家 yī jiā rénjiā a family/ 两~饭馆 liǎng jiā fànguǎn two restaurants
9.姓 a surname jie




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