

释义 (實、△*寔)shí

1.充满 full:虚~ xūshí hollow and solid; false or true/ ~心的铁球 shíxīnr de tiěqiú solid iron ball/ ~足年龄 shízú niánlíng exact age
2.真,真诚,跟“虚”相反 true; sincere,antonym of xū:~心~意 shíxīn-shíyì honest and sincere/ ~话~说 shíhuà shíshuō speak frankly; talk straight/ ~事求是 shíshì-qiúshì seek truth from facts; be practical and realistic [实际 -jì]真实情况,也指实践 reality; practice:联系~~ liánxì shíjì apply to reality/ ~~调查 shíjì diàochá practical investigation [实践 -jiàn]1.实行(自己的主张),履行(自己的诺言) put (one's ideas) into practice; keep one's promise 2.人们改造自然和改造社会的有意识的活动 practice, a conscious activity by people to improve nature and to reform society [实在 -zài]1.真,的确 really; indeed:~~好 shízài hǎo be really good 2.(-zɑi)不虚 not hollow:他的学问很~~ Tā de xuéwen hěn shízɑi. He has real knowledge./ 话说得挺~~ huà shuō de tǐng shízɑi What is said is dependable. [实词 -cí]能够单独用来回答问题,有比较实在意义的词,如名词、动词等 notional word, able to be used alone to answer a question and meaningful, such as noun, verb, etc. [老实 lǎo-]诚实,不狡猾 honest; not tricky:~~人说~~话 Lǎoshirén shuō lǎoshihuà. An honest person is honest in words.
3.种子,果子 seed; fruit:开花结~ kāihuā-jiēshí blossom and bear fruit




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