释义 |
官ɡuān ㄍㄨㄢ 1.政府机关或军队中经过任命的、一定级别以上的公职人员。我国现多用于军队和外交场合 appointed personnel in government organizations or the army above a certain rank; government official; officer (often used on military or diplomatic occasions in China) 2.旧时称属于国家的 (in former times) belonging to the country; governmental; official:~办 guānbàn run by the government; operated by official bodies/ ~款 guānkuǎn funds owned by the government [官话 -huà]1.旧时指通行于广大区域的普通话,特指北京话 (in former times) official dialect popular over a wide area, Mandarin 2.官腔 bureaucratic jargon 3.器官,生物体上有特定机能的部分 organ, part of the human body with a specific function:五~ wǔguān the five sense organs/ 感~ gǎnguān sense organ |