

释义 shēn
1.人、动物的躯体 body of a man or an animal ( comb. -体 -tǐ、-躯 -qū body):全~ quánshēn the whole body/ 上~ shàngshēn the upper part of the body/ ~体健康 shēntǐ jiànkāng be in good healh/ 人~自由 rénshēn zìyóu freedom of person; personal freedom [身子 -zi]1.身体 body:~~不舒服 shēnzi bù shūfu not feel well; under the weather 2.身孕 pregnancy:有了~~ yǒule shēnzi be pregnant ext. 物体的主要部分 the main part of an object; body:船~ chuánshēn body of a ship/ 河~ héshēn riverbed/ 树~ shùshēn trunk
2.指生命 life:以~殉职 yǐshēn-xùnzhí die at one's post/舍~炸碉堡 shěshēn zhà diāobǎo give one's life to blow up the enemy blockhouse
3.亲身,亲自,本人 oneself; personally:~临其境 shēnlín-qíjìng be personally on the scene/ ~体力行(亲身努力去做) shēntǐ-lìxíng earnestly practise what one advocates; practise what one preaches/ 以~作则 yǐshēn-zuòzé set an example
4.指人的地位 status:~败名裂 shēnbài-míngliè lose all standing and reputation; bring shame and ruin upon oneself [身份 -fen][身分 -fen]在社会上及法律上的地位 status; identity
5.(-儿 -r)量词 meas. 衣服 suit:我做了一~儿新衣服 Wǒ zuòle yī shēnr xīn yīfu. I have made a new suit.




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