

1.面孔,脸,头的前部 face, the front part of the head from the chin to the hair ( comb. 脸- liǎn- face, 颜- yán- face):~前 miànqián in (the) face of; in front of/ ~带笑容 miàn dài xiàoróng have a smile on one's face [面子 -zi]1.体面 reputation; face:爱~~ ài miànzi be concerned about face-saving; be sensitive about one's reputation/ 丢~~ diū miànzi lose face 2.情面 feelings; sensibilities:大公无私,不讲~~ dàgōng-wúsī, bù jiǎng miànzi be just and selfless, without any personal considerations
2.用脸对着,向着 face (a certain direction):背山~水 bèi shān miàn shuǐ with hills behind and the river in front
3.当面,直接接头的 personally; directly:~谈 miàntán speak to sb. face to face/ ~议 miànyì negotiate face to face; take up a matter with sb. personally
4.(-子 -zi、-儿 -r)事物的外表,跟“里”相反 surface; face, antonym of "lǐ":地~ dìmiàn the earth's surface; ground/ 水~ shuǐmiàn the surface of the water/ 被~儿 bèimiànr the facing of a quilt
5.几何学上称线移动所生成的图形,有长有宽没有厚 (of geometry) surface, a geometric figure that has length and width, but no height:平~ píngmiàn plane/ ~积 miànji area
6.方面,边,部 side:正~ zhèngmiàn front; the right side/ 反~ fǎnmiàn the reverse side; wrong side/ 上~ shàngmiɑn above; over/ 下~ xiàmiɑn below; under/ ~~俱到 miànmiàn jùdào be well consdered in every respect; attend to each and every aspect of a matter
7.量词 meas.:一~旗 yī miàn qí a flag/ 一~镜子 yī miàn jìngzi a mirror/ 一~锣 yī miàn luó a gong
8.粮食磨成的粉 flour:麦子~ màizimiàn wheat flour/ 小米~ xiǎomǐmiàn millet flour/ 玉米~ yùmǐmiàn maize flour; cornmeal 特指小麦磨成的粉 esp. wheat flour
9.(-子 -zi、-儿 -r)粉末 powder:药~儿 yàomiànr medicinal powder/ 粉笔~儿 fěnbǐmiànr chalk powder (or dust)
10.面条 noodles:挂~ guàmiàn fine dried noodles; vermicelli/ 炸酱~ zhájiàngmiàn noodles served with fried bean source/ 一碗~ yī wǎn miàn a bowl of noodles
12.食物含纤维少而柔软 soft and floury (containing a small amount of fibre):这种瓜很~ Zhè zhǒng guā hěn miàn. This kind of melon is soft and floury.




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