

1.由躺而坐或由坐而立等 rise; stand up:~床 qǐchuáng get up/ ~立致敬 qǐlì zhìjìng show reverence by standing up ext. 离开原来的位置 remove; pull:1.移开,搬开 remove:~身 qǐshēn start; set out/ ~运 qǐyùn start shipment; begin to transport 2.拔出,取出 pull; take out:~钉子 qǐ dīngzi draw out a nail/ ~货 qǐ huò take goods (from a warehouse) [起居 -jū]日常生活 daily life:~~有恒 qǐjū yǒu héng lead a regular life
2.由下向上升,由小往大里涨 rise; grow:一~一落 yī qǐ yī luò ups and downs; rise and fall/ ~劲 qǐjìn vigorous; energetic/ 面~了 miàn qǐ le The dough is leavened. [起色 -sè]好转的形势,转机 improvement; pickup:病有~~ bìng yǒu qǐsè One's health has picked up.
3.长出 appear; raise:~燎泡 qǐ liáopào get blisters/ ~痱子 qǐ fèizi get prickly heat
4.开始 start; begin:~笔 qǐbǐ start writing/ ~点 qǐdiǎn starting point [起码 -mǎ]最低限度,最低的 at least; minimum:~~要十天才能完工 Qǐmǎ yào shí tiān cái néng wángōng. The project can be completed in at least ten days.
5.发生 happen; rise:~疑 qǐyí become suspicious/ ~意 qǐyì conceive a design/ ~火 qǐhuǒ catch fire; be on fire/ ~风 qǐfēng The wind is rising. [起义 -yì]发动武装革命,也指脱离反革命集团投入革命阵营 revolt, act violently against the reactionaries so as to join the revolutionaries
6.拟定 draft; work out:~草 qǐcǎo make a draft
7.建造,建立 build; set up:~房子 qǐ fángzi build a house/ 白手~家 báishǒu-qǐjiā make one's fortune from scratch
8.(从哪里)开始 from:1.在名词后 used after a noun:今天~ jīntiān qǐ from today/ 从这里~ cóng zhèli qǐ from here 2.在名词前 used before a noun:~南到北 qǐ nán dào běi from the south to the north/ ~这里剪开 qǐ zhèli jiǎnkɑi cut out from here
9.量词 meas. 1.批,群 batch; group:一~人走了,又来一~ Yī qǐ rén zǒu le, yòu lái yī qǐ. After a group of people left, another group came. 2.件,宗 case; instance:三~案件 sān qǐ ànjiàn three cases/ 两~事故 liǎng qǐ shìgù two accidents
10.在动词后,表示动作的趋向 used after a verb, expressing tendency of action:抱~ bàoqi hold sb or sth. up/ 拿~ náqi take up/ 扛~大旗 kángqi dà qí shoulder up a big flag/ 提~精神 tíqi jīngshen raise one's spirits; brace oneself up/ 引~大家注意 yǐnqi dàjiā zhùyì bring to everyone's attention/ 想不~什么地方见过他 Xiǎng bu qǐ shénme dìfɑng jiànguo tā. I cannot remember where I met him.
12.在动词后,跟“来”连用,表示动作开始 used after a verb, together with the word lái, expressing the start of an action:大声念~来 dà shēng niàn qilɑi start to read aloud/ 唱~歌来 chàngqi gē lɑi begin to sing a song
12.在动词后,常跟“不”“得”连用 used after a verb, usu. with bù and "de":1.表示胜任,能担得住 stand; afford:买不~ mǎibuqǐ cannot afford to buy it/ 经得~考验 jīngdeqǐ kǎoyàn can stand a test 2.表示够格,达到某一种标准 up to a certain standard:看不~ kànbuqǐ have a low opinion of; look down/ 瞧得~ qiáodeqǐ think highly of sb.




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