

释义 (趕)ɡǎn
1.追,尽早或及时到达 try to catch; try to arrive as early as possible or in time:~集 gǎnjí go to market; go to a fair/ ~火车 gǎn huǒchē catch a train/ 学先进,~先进 Xué xiānjìn, gǎn xiānjìn. learn from the advanced and try to catch up with the advanced ext. 从速,快做 hurry; rush:~写文章 gǎnxiě wénzhāng dash off an article/ ~任务 gǎn rènwu rush through one's job/ ~活 gǎnhuó rush through one's work in order to meet a deadline
2.驱使,驱逐 drive; drive away:~羊 gǎn yáng herd the sheep/ ~马车 gǎn mǎchē drive a cart/ 把侵略者~出国门 bǎ qīnlüèzhě gǎnchu guómén drive the invaders out of one's country
3.介词,等到(某个时候) prep. till:~明儿再说 gǎnmíngr zàishuō Let's leave it till another day./ ~年下再回家 gǎn niánxiɑ zài huíjiā not go back home until the Lunar New Year
4.遇到(某种情形) happen to:正~上他没在家 zhèng gǎnshɑng tā méi zài jiā He happened to be out.




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