释义 |
烈liè ㄌㄧㄝヽ 1.猛烈,厉害 strong; violent:~火 lièhuǒ raging fire (or flames)/ ~日 lièrì burning sun; scorching sun 2.气势盛大(叠 redup.) (of momentum) vigorous; grand:轰轰~~ hōnghōng-lièliè on a grand and spectacular scale; dynamic 3.刚直,有高贵品格的,为正义、人民、国家而死难的 upright; possessing noble quality or sacrificing oneself for a just cause, for one's country or people:向刘胡兰~士学习 Xiàng Liú Húlán lièshì xuéxí. follow the example of the martyr Liuhulan/ 先~ xiānliè martyr |