

释义 (爛)làn
1.因过熟而变得松软 soft (because of too much cooking):稀粥~饭 xīzhōu lànfàn the thin gruel and the pulpy rice/ 蚕豆煮得真~ Cándòu zhǔ de zhēn làn. The boiledbroad beans are quite soft. ext. 程度极深的 thoroughly; to a great extent:台词背得~熟 táicí bèi de lànshú learn one's lines thoroughly
2.东西腐坏 rot; fester ( comb. 腐- fǔ- become rotten):桃儿和葡萄容易~ Táor hé pútɑo róngyì làn. Peaches and grapes become rotten easily. fig. 崩溃,败坏 corrupt; rotten:敌人一天天~下去,我们一天天好起来 Dírén yītiāntiān làn xiɑqu, wǒmen yītiāntiān hǎo qilɑi. The enemy is being corrupted day by day, while we are getting better and better.
3.破碎 worn-out ( comb. 破- pò- ragged):破铜~铁 pòtóng làntiě odds and ends of copper and iron/ ~纸 làn zhǐ scraps of paper/ 衣服穿~了 Yīfu chuān làn le. The clothes are worn-out.
4.头绪乱 messy; disorderly:~摊子 làntānzi an awful mess[烂漫 -màn][烂熳 -màn][烂缦 -màn]1.色彩鲜明美丽 bright coloured; brilliant:山花~~ shānhuā-lànmàn bright mountain flowers in full bloom 2.坦率自然,毫无做作 natural; unaffected:天真~~ tiān-zhēn-lànmàn (of a child) innocent and artless; simple and unaffected




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