

释义 (滿)mǎn
1.全部充实,没有余地 full; filled:会场里人都~了 Huìchǎng li rén dōu mǎn le. The assembly hall is packed with people./ ~地都是绿油油的庄稼 Mǎn dì dōushì lǜyōuyōu de zhuāngjiɑ. The fields are full of green crops. [满足 -zú]1.觉得够了 satisfied; contented:他并不~~于现有的成绩 Tā bìng bù mǎnzú yú xiàn yǒude chéngjì. He does not rest content with his present achievements. 2.使人觉得不缺什么了 satisfy; meet (needs, demands, etc.):~~人民的需要 mǎnzú rénmín de xūyào satisfy (or meet) the needs of the people [满意 -yì]愿望满足或符合自己的意见 satisfied; pleased:这样办,他很~~ Zhèyàng bàn, tā hěn mǎnyì. He is quite pleased with the arrangement. [自满 zì-]不虚心,骄傲 complacent; self-satisfied
2.到了一定的限度 expire; reach the limit:假期已~ jiàqī yǐ mǎn The holidays are over./ ~了一年 mǎnle yī nián reach the one-year limit
3.(斟酒)使满 fill (with wine):~上一杯 mǎnshɑng yī bēi fill a glass (with wine, tea, etc.)
4.十分,全 completely; entirely:~不在乎 mǎn bù zàihu do not mind it at all/ ~口答应 mǎnkǒu dāying readily promise[满族 -zú]我国少数民族 the Manchu nationality, a national minority in China.




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