

释义 hǎi
1.靠近大陆比洋小的水域 sea; waters close to the continents and smaller than oceans:黄~ Huáng Hǎi the Huanghai Sea; the Yellow Sea/ 渤~ Bó Hǎi the Bohai Sea/ ~岸 hǎi'àn seacoast; coast
2.用于湖泊名称 name for lakes:青~ Qīng Hǎi Qinghai Lake/ 洱~ ?r Hǎi Erhai Lake
3.容量大的器皿 container of great capacity:墨~ mòhǎi a very large inkstone
4.比喻数量多的人或事物 a great number of people or things:人~ rénhǎi a sea of faces, a huge crowd of people/ 文山会~ wénshān-huìhǎi mountains of papers and seas of meetings
5.巨大的 largest; of great capacity:~碗 hǎiwǎn a very big bowl/ ~量 hǎiliàng great capacity; magnanimity/ 夸下~口 kuāxiɑ hǎikǒu boast about what one can do; talk big[海报 -bào]文艺、体育演出的招贴 playbills for theatrical or sports performance




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