

释义 huó
1.生存,能生长,跟“死”相反 live; grow, antonym of "sǐ":鱼在水里才能~ Yú zài shuǐ li cái néng huó. Fish can only live in water./ 新栽的这棵树~了 Xīn zāi de zhè kē shù huó le. The newly planted tree is alive. fig. 逼真地 lifelike; true to life:~像一只老虎 huóxiàng yī zhī lǎohǔ be like a tiger very much/ 神气~现 shénqì-huóxiàn very cocky; high and mighty
2.不固定,可移动的 movable; moving:~期存款 huóqī cúnkuǎn current deposit/ ~页本 huóyèběn loose-leaf book; a note book of loose-leaf/ ~塞 huósāi piston/ ~扣 huókòu slipknot; a knot that can be undone by a pull [活泼 -po]活跃自然,不呆板 lively and natural; vivacious:孩子们很~~ Háizimen hěn huópo. The children are very lively.
3.(-儿 -r)工作或生产品 work, or product:做~ zuòhuó do some work/ 这~儿做得真好 Zhè huór zuò de zhēn hǎo. This product is well made.[活该 -gāi]表示就应该这样,一点也不委屈 it serves sb. right:~~如此 huógāi rúcǐ get what one deserves




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