

1.外部,跟“里”相反 surface; outside, antonym of “里”:1.在外的 outside:~面 biǎomiàn appearance; surface/ ~皮 biǎopí epidermis 2.外面 outside;外貌 look; appearance:外~ wàibiǎo outward appearance/ ~里如一 biǎolǐ-rúyī think and act in one and the same way/ 虚有其~ xūyǒu-qíbiǎo appear better than it is; look impressive but lack real worth
2.表示,显示 show; indicate:略~心意 lüè biǎo xīnyì It is only a token of our regard. [表白 -bái]说明自己的心意对人进行解释 express or state clearly one's mind;分清责任 make clear everyone's duties [表决 -jué]会议上用举手、投票等方式取得多数意见而做出决定 decide by vote or by putting up one's hand to show approval:这个议案已经~~通过了 Zhè ge yì'àn yǐjing biǎojué tōngguò le. This motion has been voted through. [表现 -xiàn]1.显露 display; show:医疗队的行动充分~~了救死扶伤的人道主义精神 Yīliáoduì de xíngdòng chōngfèn biǎoxiànle jiùsǐ-fúshāng de réndào zhǔyì jīngshén. The action of the medical team fully displayed the humanitarianism of healing the wounded and rescuing the dying. 2.所显露出来的行为,作风 performance:他在工作中的~~还不错 Tā zài gōngzuò zhōng de biǎoxiàn hái bùcuò. He is doing quite well in his work. [表扬 -yáng]对集体或个人,用语言、文字公开表示赞美、夸奖 say or write sth. to praise sb in public:~~好人好事 biǎoyáng hǎorén hǎoshì praise good people and good deeds
3.中医指用药物把感受的风寒发散出来 (of Chinese medicine) administer medicine to bring out the cold
4.分类分项记录事物的东西 table; form:历史年~ lìshǐ niánbiǎo chronological table of history/ 时间~ shíjiānbiǎo time-table/ 统计~ tǒngjìbiǎo statistic table
5.计时间的器具,通常比钟小,可以带在身边 watch, a timepiece, smaller than a clock, and easy to carry:手~ shǒubiǎo a wrist watch/ 怀~ huáibiǎo pocket watch
6.计量某种量的器具 metre; gauge:温度~ wēndùbiǎo thermometre/ 电~ diànbiǎo any meter for measuring electricity/ 水~ shuǐbiǎo water metre
7.树立的标志 model [表率 -shuài]榜样 model:他是新中国青年的~~ Tā shì xīn Zhōngguó qīngnián de biǎoshuài. He is the model of the youths of New China. [华表 huá-]古代宫殿、陵墓等大建筑物前面做装饰用的巨大石柱,柱身多雕刻龙凤等图案,顶端有云板和蹲兽,是我国民族形式的艺术建筑物的一种 ornamental columns erected in front of palaces, tombs, etc, mostly engraved with patterns of dragons and phoenixes, and with cloud plates and squating animals on the top of the columns. They are one kind of national art of architecture in China.
8.称呼父亲或祖父的姊妹、母亲或祖母的兄弟姊妹生的子女,用来表示亲属关系 cousin; cousinship, the relationship between the children or grandchildren of a brother and sister or of sisters:~兄弟 biǎoxiōngdì cousin/ ~叔 biǎoshū uncle of one's mother's side/ ~姑 biǎogū aunt of one's mother's side
9.封建时代称臣子给君主的奏章 memorial to an emperor in ancient times




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