

字词 沿
释义 沿yán
1.顺着(道路、 江河的边) along (the road or the river bank):~路 yánlù along the road/ ~江 yánjiāng along the river bank/ 铁路~线 tiělù-yánxiàn along the railway
2.按照以往的规矩、式样等 follow a convention or pattern:~袭 yánxí carry on as before; follow/ 积习相~ jīxí-xiāngyán be handed down from deep-rooted habits [沿革 -gé]事物发展和变化的历程 evolution, the course of change and development
3.(-儿 -r)边 edge; border ( comb. 边- biān- edge):炕~儿 kàngyánr the edge of a kang/ 缸~儿 gāngyánr the brim of a vat/ 盆~儿 pényánr the brim of a basin/ 河~儿 héyánr the bank of a river/ 井~儿 jǐngyánr the brim of a well
4.在衣服等物的边上再加一条边 trim clothes, shoes, etc.:~鞋口 yán xiékǒur trim the top of a shoe/ ~个边 yán ge biānr trim an edge媂




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