

释义 yóu
1.动植物体内所含的脂肪物质 oil; fat; grease; any of several types of fatty substance from animals or plants:猪~ zhūyóu lard/ 花生~ huāshēngyóu peanut oil
2.各种碳氢化合物的混合物,一般不溶于水,容易燃烧 petroleum, a mixture of various hydrocarbon compounds, usu. indissoluble in water and inflammable:煤~ méiyóu kerosene/ 汽~ qìyóu gasoline; petrol
3.用油涂抹 apply oil, paint, etc:用桐油一~就好了 yòng tóngyóu yī yóu jiù hǎo le Paint it with tung oil, and it will be OK.
4.被油弄脏 oily; greasy; stained or smeared with oil or grease:衣服~了一大片 Yīfu yóule yī dà piàn. The coat has got a large oil stain.
5.狡猾 tricky; slippery ( comb. -滑 -huá slippery):~腔滑调 yóuqiāng-huádiào speak glibly; have a glib tongue/ 这个人太~ Zhège rén tài yóu. That chap is too slippery.[油然 -rán]1.充盛地 gathering; full:天~~作云,沛然下雨 Tiān yóurán zuò yún,pèirán xiàyǔ. Clouds were beginning to gather, and a copious rain began to fall. 2.(思想感情)自然而然地产生 (of thought and feeling) come up spontaneously or involuntarily:敬慕之情~~而生 jìngmù zhī qíng yóurán ér shēng A feeling of respect involuntarily comes up.




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