释义 |
化 huà ㄏㄨㄚヽ 1.性质或形态改变 (of quality or form) change; transform:~整为零 huàzhěngwéi-líng break up the whole into parts/ 变~ biànhuà change; alternate/ 感~ gǎnhuà help (a misguided or erring person) to change by persuasion; reform a person by personal examples of moral uprightness/ 开~ kāihuà become civilized/ 冰都~了 Bīng dōu huà le. The ice has melted. [化合 -hé]两种或两种以上的物质互相结合变成一种性质跟原来物质都不相同的新物质 chemical combination; (of two or more substances) combine with each other to form a new compound that is different in nature with the original [化学 -xué]研究物质的结构、组成、性质、应用及其变化规律的科学 chemistry, the branch of science that deals with how substances are made up (their elements), how they combine, and how they are under different conditions [化石 -shí]埋藏在地下的古代生物的遗骸变成的石块,或带着古代生物遗迹的石块 fossil, recognizable (part of a) prehistoric animal or plant once buried in earth and now hardened like rock, or rock that has marks of prehistoric animal or plant 2.指化学 chemistry:~工 huàgōng chemical industry/ ~肥 huàféi chemical fertilizer 3.佛教道教徒募集财物 (of Buddhist monks or Taoist priests) beg alms:~缘 huàyuán beg alms/ ~斋(乞食) huàzhāi beg a vegetarian meal 4.放在名词或形容词后,表示转变成某种性质或状态 (suffix after a noun or adjective) change to a certain nature or form:革命~ gémìnghuà revolutionize; revolutionization/ 农业机械~ nóngyè jīxièhuà mechanization of agriculture/ 工业现代~ gōngyè xiàndàihuà industrial modernization/ 科学~ kēxuéhuà resort to science; apply scientific knowledge to/ 绿~ lǜhuà make (a place) green by planting trees, grass, flowers, etc.; afforest huā |