

释义 miǎn
1.勉力,力量不够还尽力做 exert oneself; strive (to do what is beyond one's power):~为其难(nán) miǎnwéiqínán take up onerous work; undertake to do a difficult job as best as one can [勉强 -qiǎng]1.尽力 manage with an effort:~~支持下去 miǎnqiǎng zhīchí xiɑqu hold out with difficulty 2.刚刚地够,不充足 barely enough; inadequate:这种说法很~~(理由不充足) Zhè zhǒng shuōfǎ hěn miǎnqiǎng. This explanation is rather unconvincing./ 勉勉强强及格 miǎnmiǎn qiǎngqiǎng jígé barely passing the examinations 3.不是心甘情愿的 reluctant; grudging:~~答应 miǎn-qiǎng dāying reluctantly agree 4.让人去做不愿做的事 force sb. to do sth. that he unwilling to do:不要~~他 Bùyào miǎnqiǎng tā. Don't force him (to do sth.).
2.勉励,使人努力 encourage; urge:互~ hùmiǎn encourage one another/ 有则改之,无则加~ Yǒu zé gǎi zhī, wú zé jiā miǎn. correct mistakes if one has committed any and avoid them if one has not




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