

1.好处,跟“害”、“弊”相反 advantage; benefit, antonym of "hài", " bì" ( comb. -益 -yì benefit; interest):这件事对人民有~ Zhè jiàn shì duì rénmín yǒulì. This matter benefits the people./ 个人~益服从集体~益 Gèrén lìyì fúcóng jítǐ lìyì. One's personal interests should be subordinate to the interests of the collective.
2.使得到好处 do good to; benefit:毫不~己专门~人 háobù lì jǐ zhuānmén lì rén utter devotion to others without any thought of oneself; naught for oneself, all for others [利用 -yòng]发挥人或事物的作用,使其对自己方面有利 utilize; make use of:废物~~ fèiwu lìyòng turn scrap material to good account/ ~~他的长处 lìyòng tā de chángchu utilize his good qualities/ ~~这个机会 lìyòng zhège jīhuì make use of (or seize) the opportunity
3.顺利,与主观的愿望相合 smooth; favourable:敌军屡战不~ díjūn lǚzhàn bùlì The enemy troops met with repeated setbacks.
4.利息,贷款或储蓄所得的子金 interest; profit:本~两清 běnlì liǎng qīng settle (or clear up) both capital and profit/ 放高~贷是违法的行为 Fàng gāolìdài shì wéifǎ de xíngwéi. It is an illegal act to practise usury.
5.利润 profit:暴~ bàolì sudden huge profits/ 薄~多销 bólì-duōxiāo larger sales at a small profit
6.刀口快,针尖锐 (of knife, pin, etc.) sharp:~刃 lìrèn a sharp sword (or knife)/ ~剑 lìjiàn fig. a sharp sword/ ~口(喻善辩) lìkǒu a glib tongue [利落 -luo][利索 -suo]1.爽快,敏捷 agile; nimble:他做事很~~ Tā zuò shì hěn lìluo. He is very agile in doing things. 2.整齐 neat; orderly:东西收拾~~了 Dōngxi shōushi lìluo le. Everything is put in order. [利害]1.(-hài)利益和损害 gains and losses:不计~~ bùjì lìhài regardless of gains or losses 2.(-hɑi)同“厉害” Same as “厉害”.




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