释义 |
击(擊)jī ㄐㄧ 1.打,敲打 beat; hit:~鼓 jī gǔ beat the drum/ ~柝(tuò)(敲梆子) jī tuò beat a clapper 2.攻打 attack; assault:迎头痛~ yíngtóu-tòngjī deal a head-on blow/ 游~ yóujī guerrilla warfare 3.碰 bump into:撞~ zhuàngjī ram; dash against/ 肩摩毂(gǔ)~(喻来往人多拥挤) jiānmó-gǔjī shoulder to shoulder and hub to hub (fig. crowded with people and vehicles) ext. 接触 come in contact with:目~(亲眼看见) mùjī see with one's own eyes; witness |