

释义 lěnɡ
1.温度低,跟“热”相反 cold, of low temperature, antonym of "rè" ( comb. 寒- hán- cold):昨天下了雪,今天真~ Zuótiān xiàle xuě, jīntiān zhēn lěng. It snowed yesterday, and it's really cold today.
2.寂静,不热闹 unfrequented; deserted:~清清 lěngqīngqīng desolate; deserted/ ~落 lěngluò unfrequented; lonely
3.生僻,少见的 strange; rare ( comb. -僻 -pì rare):~字 lěngzì a rarely used word; an unfamiliar word/ ~货(不流行或不畅销的货物)lěnghuò goods not much in demand; dull goods
4.不热情,不温和 cold in manner; frosty:~脸子 lěngliǎnzi cold face; severe expression/ ~言~语 lěngyán-lěngyǔ mocking (cold) words; sarcastic comments/ ~酷无情 lěngkù-wúqíng as hard as nails; cold-blooded [冷静 -jìng]不感情用事 sober; calm:头脑应该~~ tóunǎo yīnggāi lěngjìng One should be soberminded (or have a cool head). [冷笑 -xiào]含有轻蔑、讥讽的笑 sneer; laugh with scorn or irony
5.突然,意料以外的 suddenly; unexpectedly:~不防 lěng bufáng unexpectedly; without warning/ ~枪 lěngqiāng sniper's shot; shot from hiding




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