


MC kaek

1. frame(work), structure, scaffold(ing).
a. layout, configuration; e.g. 窗格 chuānggé, latticework grid of window.
b. conceptual grid, coordinated framework for understanding.
c. well-framed; coordinated, organized; e.g. 有恥且格 yǒuchǐ qiě gé, have a sense of shame and be properly adjusted (to moral principles).
2. established custom or law, precedent, protocol; e.g. 格儀 géyí, protocol and formalities; 無格 wúgé, unprecedented, unparalleled.
a. (med.) legal regulations concerned with general matters (cf. 式 shì, ordinances, administrative rules that were part of the legal code and concerned with limited areas of law).
3. bring to (proper) pattern, systematize; frame, put together, coordinate.
a. (med.) (lit.) formal pattern or structure of a composition; also, style, general character and manner deriving from author’s disposition.
4. cabinet, chest; shelving.
5. grapple with, fight barehanded.
a. oppose, withstand; block(age).
6. deal with, come to grips with, come to terms with.
7. arrive at, reach, come upon.
8. target for archery; butt.
9. long tree-branch, bough.
10. (med.) railing, balustrade.
11. (med.) 格是 géshì, it being the case that . . ., now it is that . . ., already.

格是 格五 格儀

窗格 攝提格 無格 有恥且格





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