


MC bjuwk

1. prostrate; humbly.
a. cower, lout low; submit, subject(ion); e.g. 伏罪 fúzuì, acknowledge a crime, submit to punishment.
b. crouch, lean forward; huddle, curl up; e.g. 伏翼 fúyì, (one with) huddled wings, i.e. bat.
2. lie low, stay apart; hide, lie hidden; e.g. 伏匿 fúnì, hide away, conceal; 伏甲 fújiǎ, soldiers in ambush.
3. (med.) laden (with); service(able); e.g. 伏手 fúshǒu, ready to hand, available for use.
4. dog-days of summer, days of greatest heat, esp. as 伏日 fúrì, also 三伏 sānfú, ref. last 2 months of summer and first month of autumn.
a. high-summer sacrifice in early times, parallel to winter all-hallows sacrifice, hence usu. in parallel construction 伏臘 fúlà.
5. throw aside, discard.
6. crossbar at front of carriage, on which one leans.
7. 伏羲 fúxī, mythological figure responsible for invention or regularization of many aspects of traditional culture, e.g. invention of the eight trigrams (gua 卦) of Yijing, of hunting, fishing, cooking, etc.

伏辜 伏甲 伏臘 伏匿 伏日 伏手 伏羲 伏戲 伏羲氏 伏翼 伏罪

承伏 扶伏 蒲伏 三伏 消伏 倚伏





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