


sàn MC sanH

1. scatter(ed), (be)strew(n), shed.
a. disperse, spread, circulate, diffuse.
b. squander, dissipate, blow.
2. give up, let go of, turn loose.
3. distract, divert; find diversion in.
4. (med.) 散沫 sànmò (MC sanH-mat), sambac, Arabian jasmine (Jasminum sambac), trsc. approx. zanbaq, jasmine-oil.

sǎn MC sanX

1. relax(ed), loose.
a. unregulated, unassigned; free-style, ordinary; e.g. 散民 sǎnmín, ordinary people (opp.
梟民 xiǎomín, leading people); 散棋 sǎnqí, ordinary draughtsmen (as in board-game).
b. random, unsystematic; imperfect, partial; e.g. 散質 sǎnzhì, imperfect substance.
2. triturate, grind or pound to powder.
a. powder, esp. of medicinal nature; e.g. (med.) 五石散 wǔshísǎn, 5-mineral powder, recreational drug cmpd.ed of stalactite, sulphur, milky quartz, amethyst, red bole; also called 寒食散 hánshísǎn, cold-food powder (because to be taken only with cold food).
3. melody, tune, esp. of zither music, usu. attached as suffix to particular title.

散民 散沫 散棋 散質

布散 吹散 寒食散 聚散 疏散 五石散 行散





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