


shè MC syep

1. pull in, draw in, gather in; a. attract into one’s power, lure; conjure.
b. subsume, assimilate; absorb; unite; (Budd.) 攝心 shèxīn, collect the mind.
2. catch hold of, hold onto; grasp, keep.
a. capture, arrest.
3. be in charge of; administer, direct, manage; organize; discipline.
4. provide assistance, aid.
a. act as agent or substitute of, proxy, in the capacity of, assume the duties of; regent.
5. take care of, maintain in prime condition, guard, protect.
6. be squeezed between opposing forces.
7. 攝提 shètí or 攝提格 shètígé, 6 stars in Boötes, 3 on either side of Arcturus, making up a constellation in line with the handle of the Dipper and therefore able to “hold onto and lead” the seasonal rotation of the heavens.
8. ⦿ 懾 shè, dread, awe.

niè MC nep

1. settle(d), peaceful, quiet(ed).

攝提 攝提格 攝心





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