


àn MC ‘anH

1. press firmly down or on, put firmly in place, place before one (less forceful than 抑 yì); cog. 安 ān, secure, 鞍 ān, saddle.
a. pat, rub, stroke; place one’s hand on; strike, as a musical instrument; ply, as a writingbrush; wield, as the reins of a horse.
b. repress, restrain; curb; discipline, train.
c. indicative of author’s or editor’s personal comment: “let me make a point of . . .; take special note of . . .”; like N.B., nota bene.
d. to inspect, examine; try out, test.
2. lean on, rely on; comply with; according to.
a. in accord with or following on what has happened previously, thereupon.





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