


zhāo MC tsyew

1. call with a motion of the hand, summon, beckon.
a. lead on, invite over, attract to; recruit, recommend; e.g. 招募 zhāomù, levy troops.
b. provoke, incite, exhort to VB; bring about, effect; e.g. 招怨 zhāoyuàn, stir resentment.
2. target, mark, butt.
3. tie the legs of; shackle.
4. (med.) confess, acknowledge fault or crime; give public notice; 招認 zhāorèn, admit and acknowledge, take full responsibility for; 招念 zhāoniàn, extend thanks, express gratitude.
5. (bn.) 招搖 zhāoyáo (MC tsyew-yew), parade and make public, be open and overt, show off to all; also, “Brandishing Battler,” name of the last star in the Northern Dipper’s handle, Alkaid or Benetnash (ε Ursae Majoris), but sometimes identified as Nekkar (β Boötis) which is then considered as final extension of the Dipper’s handle, in either case being symbolic of warfare.
6. (Budd.) 招提 zhāotí or 招提僧 zhāotísēng (MC tsyew-dej-song), trsc. of Skt. caturdiśa[ saṁgha], “4-square,” hence a term for rectangular monastic cmpd., sometimes interpreted as “4 quarters” because monasteries were supposed to belong to all the 4 quarters; official designation of monasteries after 424 in the Northern Wei; in Tang times usu. ref. a small sanctuary.

qiáo MC gjiew

1. raise, bring forward.

sháo MC dzyew

1. ⦿ 韶 sháo, name of the music traditionally identified with the sage-king Shun 舜.
2. (bn.) 招搖 sháoyáo (MC dzyew-yew), ⦿ 逍遙 xiāoyáo, wander free and easy.

招魂 招募 招念 招認 招提 招提僧 招搖 招怨





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