


shì MC syik

1. model, pattern, standard, paradigm; archetype; mode.
a. emulate, follow the example of, model after.
2. design; (magic) diagram; formula(ry); configuration.
a. divining-board, a model of the cosmos, made of 2 pieces of fine wood or bronze, consisting of a square bottom (“earth”) plate and a top round (“heaven”) disk which was rotated in relation to the square plate; the earth plate usu. marked in bands along its sides with directional symbols of the earthly branches and heavenly stems and also the 28 lunar lodgings, the heaven disk usu. marked in bands around circumference with the lunar lodgings as well as tiangan/dizhi symbols and in its center a representation of the Northern Dipper; aligning the disk, esp. the Dipper’s handle, with the plate in different ways suggests auspicious or inauspicious qualities of a situation at a precise moment in time.
3. put to effect; use, ply.
4. (med.) ordinances, administrative rules that were part of the legal code and concerned with limited areas of law (cf. 格 gé, regulations concerned with general matters).
5. (GP) phrase-initial particle, used to express bidding: May you . . . ; May it be done that . . .
a. (GP) phrase-initial particle, used to express mood: How . . . !; e.g. 式微 shìwēi, how few, how much in decline! 6. ⦿ 軾 shì, front hand-bar of a chariot; to salute with half-bow from the hand-bar.







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