


chéng MC zying

1. mount (horse, carriage), board (boat); climb into or onto; ascend onto.
2. ride; be borne on or by; e.g. 乘槎 chéngchá, ride a raft; 乘興 chéngxīng, borne on an impluse or whim; 乘醉 chéngzuì, buoyed by intoxication.
3. avail oneself of, take advantage of; make use of, profit from; e.g. 乘勢 chéngshì, rely on circumstances.
4. prevail over, get the better of; impose on, preponderate over; vanquish.
5. pursue, chase, “ride down.”
6. calculate, reckon.

shèng MC zyingH

1. vehicle, esp. quadriga, 4-horse team; e.g. 乘從 shèngcóng, carriage and attendants.
a. in early times, a war-chariot bearing 3 armored knights (shi 士) with contingent of b. 乘輿 shèngyú, ruler’s carriage of state; also, metonymy for ruler; also, common horse(s) and carriage.
2. (Budd.) a “vehicle” of teaching; e.g. 大乘 dàshèng, Great Vehicle, trns. Skt. mahāyāna; 小乘 xiǎoshèng, Lesser Vehicle, trns. Skt. hīnayāna; 三乘 sānshèng, the 3 Vehicles, trns. Skt. triyāna, i.e. (1) 聲聞乘 shēngwénshèng, vehicle of the “voice-hearers” (śrāvakayāna), (2) 緣覺乘 yuánjuéshèng, vehicle of those “awakened by conditionality” (pratyekabuddhayāna), (3) 菩薩乘 púsàshèng, vehicle of those “intent on achieving enlightenment” (bodhisattvayāna), the latter belonging to the Mahāyāna, the first 2 to the Hīnayāna.

乘槎 乘從 乘勢 乘興 乘輿 乘醉


大乘 菩薩乘 三乘 聲聞乘 小乘 緣覺乘





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